

From The Webmaster.

Posted 6-20-2000 16:58

 Hi, all Beau Brummels fans! How do you like the new look I have given the site? There were a few problems but many have been fixed and the site seems to be up and running perfect. You are welcome to post here on the message board as much as you like. I hope everyone enjoys the new site and some of the new features coming soon! I will try to post here often to let you know what's going on.






Posted 7-18-2000 18:26

 I have looked at the "Bay Pop" website that says the Brummels will be performing, Aug 2nd, however I do not know if this is the original line-up, or some new line-up. When I find more news about this event I will let everyone know.


Jackson Hart [guest]


Re: Original Members

Posted 4-13-2001 11:37

 Read a bit of misinformation, on this site, that has always seemed to follow this band around. Ron Meagher was the last of the five original members to join the group, not Declan Mulligan. Ron was from Oakland, California, and answered an ad (or a female friend of his told him she knew of an SF band looking for a bass player, don't remember, off the top of my head). The other four were all in San Franciso, Dec originally finding his way there, from Ireland. Declan and Ron Elliott met while both playing in a band that was working Irish dances at The Carousal Ballroom (later Fillmore West), and were already playing together, before The Beau Brummels first formed. Elliott knew Sal from St. Peter & Paul's School in North Beach, and the four of them played together, with a variety of bass players, before Ron Meagher finally came on board. I knew one of these bass players, Ron Drucker, who didn't wish to stay with the group, because of Mucisian's Union concerns, and didn't get along well with Declan at all.
This is not a large time frame we're talking about here, but it is accurate, I promise. I know all of these people, personally..............Jackson



RE: Baypop

Posted 4-17-2001 01:39

 Thank you, for letting me know... actually I have heard rumors of this back and forth, but nothing really true that to the fact as you stated. I will change it when I get a free moment :)


Stephen C. [guest]


The 1974 Reunion

Posted 5-25-2001 22:48

 Greetings to Everyone,

 Does anyone know who in the group started the reunion effort back in '74? Was it generated by a particular event? Many thanks in advance. It is great to find fellow BB fans.

Take Care,

Jackson Hart [guest]


The Reunion

Posted 5-26-2001 21:56

John Petersen was pretty instrumental in getting that reunion, and album, started. John and Ted Templeman, Warner's top producer, at the time, were still close (they were band mates in Harpers Bizarre, by the way, in earlier days), and the idea was spawned, originally, between the two of them, so I've been told, and came from John's efforts, basically.

Stephen C. [guest]


BB Reunion

Posted 5-29-2001 10:31

Hello Mr. Hart,

Thank-you for your kind response. I appreciate the information a great deal. I understand that Ron Meagher's participation in the reunion was limited as he wanted to play guitar instead of bass (coincidentally, Chris Hillman wanted to play more guitar on the 1973 Byrds reunion). Was this the only reason for Ron M.'s limited involvement? Were there personal differences as well?

And if you do not mind my asking, how did you become involved with the BB's? Do you have any favorite moments that you would like to share? Many thanks in advance.

Take Care,
  Stephen Cargile

Jackson Hart [guest]



Posted 5-29-2001 11:46

Ron being on guitar was a situation that was created by a band he was in with Declan, way back then. The hottest club band in San Francisco was The Black Velvet Band, through the late 60's/early 70's. When Ron joined this band, Declan was already the bass player, so Ron came on board as rhythm guitarist, and they stayed on these instruments. This band was still active when the reunion occurred, and Ron suddenly found himself in the position of being a lead guitarist, for the first time in his life, since Ron Elliott is, arguably, one of the best rhythm guitarists from the era (this is actually a direct quote from Ted Templeman to Declan, who told it to me. I concur; actually, much more than a rhythm player, he truly "painted" intricate masterpieces on that fingerboard, and difficult to play second guitar to. Just sitting around with him playing, it was quite amazing to watch how his hands would move around those strings!). By the way, the "live" album CD wrongly lists Meagher as bassist, and Dec as guitarist (at least, may copy does). I also believe that Ron played some of the harmonica on that show, though I don't quite remember. I do believe Dec played on "Tennesse Walker" - he did on the album.
This contributed to, but was not the sole reason, behind the situation of Meagher leaving, and going back to The Bay Area, and starting a new version of the Black Velvet Band, that was EXTREMELY succesful, where Ron Meagher developed into a very fine guitarist, being the leader, and only guitarist, in the band. The Black Velvets were truly a good band, and made good money. Both versions!

Ron M. has been involved in the two Brummel gigs that took place most recently, one in San Francisco, and one in New York, with members of the Smithereens (as I remember


Jackson Hart [guest]


Answer to Stephen

Posted 5-29-2001 12:10

 Declan involved me in the late 70's, after hiring me to play with him. First Ron Meagher played dates with us, backed out for personal reasons, then Ron Elliott. Eventually, Elliott left to go to do session work for Val Garay, who was producing Dolly Parton, at the time (Elliott is a guitarist on her album that featured her remake of "Save The Last Dance For Me"). Sal joined with us, a couple of months later. I played with varying combinations of the four of them, off and on, until around 1997, when I moved to The Philippines (When I was in the band, I started out using my real name, John Hjort, switching to John Hart, because it was easier to pronounce, then to Jackson Hart, because there was a recording artist out with the name John Hart). I'm about to return to SF in two weeks (Elliott says, "Thanks for the warning"!), where I'll make a decision to get back into music there, or come back here. I'll definitely see Dec, Ron, and Ron, and I heard John is around town now. Anyway, I hope that answers your question.

Jackson Hart [guest]


Hey, Joey!

Posted 5-29-2001 12:14

 If Joey Hornick, or a friend of his, ever drops by this page, I'd like to know how he's doing. Pass this along, if you know him, please.

Stephen C. [guest]


Another question Please

Posted 5-29-2001 22:22

Hello Mr. Hart,

Many thanks for your response - I deeply appreciate the time and effort in corresponding with me. I am learning quite a bit about BB history here as there just does not seem to be a lot of information available. (I have never seen a book dedicated to BB history.) From what I am hearing is it safe to say that the BB's are still on good terms with each other and that they play together once in a while when the mood stikes and schedules allow?

I agree with your assessment of Ron E.'s guitar playing. While I have never had the pleasure of seeing him I can determine by listening that he is a master of combining what could easily be two parts into one. That definitely helped in the recordings following Dec's departure - it saved on tracking overlays. One of the more evident examples, for me, is "Dream On."

Do the BB's ever ponder the "what might have beens" in their careers such as, "What would have happened if Warner Bros. hadn't derailed their third album?" Have they ever discussed such things with you?

Have you ever worked with Ron E. on solo projects or other endeavors? How much leeway did you have in perfoming with the BB's over the years? Did you always play straight off the record note for note? Many thanks in advance and I hope that you do not mind my many questions.

Take Care,
  Stephen Cargile



My work with the group

Posted 5-30-2001 03:29

 Ron and I wrote several songs together. One, "Back To Life", with me singing, was pressed as a single, and shopped around, to no avail. The flip side was a Mulligan-penned/sung song, called "Native Son" - ended up selling it at gigs. Dec and Ron E. were very supportive, and we did many of my originals in our live performances.
The band is like a family of brothers, connected by their history. Believe me, there have been ups and downs through the years, but they always seem to have the bond keeping them conciliatory, at the end of it all. Feel free to e-mail me at <>, and I'll be glad to answer your questions about my experiences with The Beau Brummels. Lot of laughs and heartbreaks, and wonderful fans, of course.
You had asked about any fond memories I might have - one jumps out at me:
We had a gig in Monterey on my birthday (I think it was '84), and we picked Sal up at his parents' house, south of San Francisco, on our way down there. Nobody had much mentioned the birthday, which I certainly didn't mind. When Sal came out of the house, he had a box under his arm. When he got in the van, he handed it to me: it was a birthday cake! I was startled, and touched. I didn't know he even realized it was my birthday, and was amazed he went to the trouble. We stuffed ourselves with cake all the way to Monterey! When we got there, two loyal fans, Linda and Richard Lucas, had set up a small "surprise party", with lots of gifts, and ANOTHER CAKE (no wonder I'm so fat)! A memorable day, thanks to Sal and our fans!
I'll post other stories, when I find the time. Some of them are funny, as you might imagine.



e-mail correction

Posted 5-30-2001 12:23

Sorry, I just noticed I wrote my e-mail address down wrong, in the above message! It's supposed to be:



Stephen's e-mail

Posted 5-31-2001 11:48

 Seems maybe you sent me an e-mail, and I accidently deleted it, and couldn't get it back! Want to try again?.......Jackson


Stephen C. [guest]


The Break-up

Posted 5-30-2001 22:33

Greetings to All,

What prompted Ron and Sal to call it quits after Bradley's Barn? Was it strictly a case of album sales and contracts or did they feel the urge to go in other directions? While Bradley's Barn may not have sold as well as it should have, it seems that the BB's were on a path similar to Gene Clark, Mike Nesmith, The Byrds and The Flying Burrito Brothers. (Their album sales were not sky-high either but those recordings are highly respected today.) Thanks for any and all responses. Come on BB fans - join in.

Take Care,




Posted 5-31-2001 11:58

 The impression I get, from talking to them about it (years ago!), is that it wasn't so much of a break-up, as it was just getting led in different directions. Larger record sales may have kept it together, but Ron was writing for the likes of The Everly Brothers, eventually recording his own album, and ending up doing the Pan recording project, while Sal got into his own thing, and, eventually, Stoneground. Meagher had been drafted earlier, and Dec toured the East, then The British Isles, with his own band, "Samuel Pepys", which grew into The Black Velvet Band, which Meagher eventually joined (saw that band - they kicked ass!).



Bradley's Barn

Posted 5-31-2001 12:03

 Ron told me something I always got a kick out of: The Great Jerry Reed is the other guitarist on Bradley's Barn! He's the one playing dobro guitar on "Turnaround", for example. For those of you who aren't familiar with Jerry, he had several big hits of his own, including "Amos Moses", and, "When You're Hot, You're Hot", and appeared in a couple of Burt Reynolds films. Aside from all of that, he was a top-notch studio-guitarist!.............Jackson


Stephen C. [guest]



Posted 5-31-2001 21:51

Greetings to Everyone,

It would have seemed that, in the wake of the disasterous "Beau Brummels '66" album, that the group would have avoided covers on "Triangle". With all due respect to Randy Newman, why did the group record "My Old Kentucky Home" when they had an apparent back log of their own material? The wealth of demo material that appeared on the "San Fran Sessions" CD was fantastic. Was it simply a case of they loved the tune and just had to record it? Did another BB composition get left in the can because of this?

Take Care,



My Old Kentucky Home

Posted 6-1-2001 02:20

According to Elliott, they were prompted to put it on there by the-powers-that-were at Warners. Randy was part of the "stable", at the time. Funny you should have made this comment. Elliott once said to me, about the song: " I don't know why they wanted us to do that song. Randy never recorded any of mine!".....Jackson

Stephen C. [guest]


My Old KY Home

Posted 6-1-2001 10:26

Hello Jackson,

Good one! That certainly puts that issue to rest once and for all. The actual recording seems to be very light hearted, almost casual, so that approach may have been a reflection of being "forced" to do it. It almost seems "out of place" on the album. Thanks for the info Jackson and I hope that you received my "Take 2" e-mail to replace the first one.

And I hope that has Randy thanked The BB's at some point since then!

Take Care,



Kentucky Home

Posted 6-1-2001 10:46

 Your impression was entirely accurate. I think the production staff wanted to liven things up a bit.
When Sal and I had our band in the 90's, playing primarily around Nevada, "Kentucky" was part of our rep, simply because it was a foot stomper, but it always did seem out of place with that album...J



San Fran Sessions CD

Posted 6-1-2001 10:48

 By the way, Warners didn't release that material, because Tom Donahue sold it to Vault Records. Warners only got the group!............J


Stephen C. [guest]


BB "Family Tree"

Posted 6-1-2001 16:40

Greetings to Everyone,

Our friend Jackson has provided a lot of great information regarding "The Black Velvet Band" which featured Ron M. and Dec. Then there are John joining "Harper's Bizarre", Sal with "Stone Ground" and Ron E. with "Pan." Here is an idea - and a request - to everyone: could we pool our information and create a diagrammatic "family tree" which shows all of these relationships? There was a great book back in the 1970's that did just that for many bands and it was very informative. It would be nice to gather all of the names and dates in one spot. What do you all think?

Take Care,



Family Tree

Posted 6-1-2001 18:44

There was a German article, that came out in the 80's, that had a pretty decent family tree printed up (even had Peter Tepp in there, who replaced John Petersen on drums, at the end of the '75 tour). Once I get back to the States, I'll look in my stuff and dig it out for you........J

Stephen C. [guest]


BB Family Tree

Posted 6-1-2001 22:53

Hello Jackson,

You the man Mr. J! I owe you for all of the great information that you are providing. Dinner is on me if you ever get to Jacksonville. A Florida tour always works well in the winter time . . .

Have a good weekend and I'll "talk" with you soon.

Take Care,




Posted 6-2-2001 19:28

Sounds good! Sal and I did Florida with Donnie Brooks' "30 Years Of Rock & Roll" in the mid- 90's (somewhere near Tampa), and it was great! Kind of like The Philippines (where I am now). Definitely look you up, if I/we ever make it that way again!.....J

BeauBrummel [guest]


Triangle On CD

Posted 6-4-2001 04:22

To anyone who has been looking for the Brummels "Triangle" on cd, there is one copy up for bid at might want to take a look.



Stephen C. [guest]


Request For Joyce Kady

Posted 6-7-2001 16:44

Hello Joyce,

Many thanks for posting the photos - they are great candid shots. If you do not mind the request, would you consider posting the "story behind the snapshots?" Were there any funny moments? Your story would be enjoyable to read.

From One Fan to Another,
Stephen Cargile


Stephen C. [guest]



Posted 6-6-2001 10:35

Greetings to Everyone,

Does anybody have any BB bootleg albums/CD's? (I am not referring to illegal verbatim copies of released studio albums but the usual fare of radio/TV appearances, live tracks, etc.) I have never seen one and I do not know if they even exist.

Take Care,

BeauBrummel [guest]


Re: Bootlegs

Posted 6-7-2001 04:10

Hi Stephen,

I have not seen anything like that... but A lot of stuff like that pop's up on ebay and other auction places. (I wouldn't recommend buying any though, the quality is mostly very bad and I believe that those are illegal too because they are not licensed.)

I would recommend finding the video's of the shows the Brummels performed on. I know "Village of the Giants" is available again and you can also I believe buy "Shindig" and a few other's that they appeared on :)

All the best...

Stephen C. [guest]



Posted 6-7-2001 10:18

Hello Cass,

Many thanks for your response. I am enjoying your site immensely - thank-you for establishing it. What are the chances of getting Ron, Ron, Sal, Dec and John involved in the site at some point?

Take Care,

BeauBrummel [guest]


Re: Bootlegs

Posted 6-7-2001 19:24

Hi Stephen,

Thank you for the nice comment regarding the site!

I do know that two members of the Beau Brummels have visited the site..:)





Joyce Kady's Photos

Posted 6-7-2001 12:21

I noticed in the photo marked "Band", that Don Irving is the band member between John Petersen and Ron Meagher, with Ron Elliott on the right......Jackson

BeauBrummel [guest]


Re: Photos

Posted 6-7-2001 19:26

Joyce had their names all written down and I don't think I posted his name... I will correct that.

All the best..


Stephen C. [guest]


Ron's 12-string guitar

Posted 5-23-2001 22:07

Greetings to Everyone,

As a guitar player myself I always like to hear Ron's "feather like" acoustic 12-string. This playing was highlighted on the "San Fran Sessions" compilation. Does anyone the make and model of Ron's 12-string guitar from this period? If I had to guess I would say that it was a dreadnought Guild. Many thanks for any and all responses.

Take Care,
Stephen C.



Ron's Acoustic 12-string

Posted 6-7-2001 12:08

Ron says he remembers it as being a Gretch, but doesn't remember the model. He also says that he used a double-neck 6/12-string after that, but doesn't remember what brand it was. I'll ask Dec, when I see him. He may remember.

Stephen C. [guest]


Ron's Guitar

Posted 6-7-2001 16:58

Hello Jackson,

I definitely owe you big on this one and I appreciate your efforts in tracking this answer for me.

Take Care,



Double-neck guitar

Posted 6-8-2001 14:35

Forgot to mention that the double neck 6/12 string guitar Ron used was an electric guitar. I'm wondering if that might be it, in Joyce's photo (marked: "Touray, 1966). It's not too clear on the rig I'm using, so can't be sure, though it sure looks like a double-neck...............J

Stephen C. [guest]


A Second Album in '75?

Posted 6-4-2001 16:24

Greetings to All,

Did the BB's have an option from Warner Brothers for a second album during their 1975 reunion? Does anyone know the sales figures for "The Beau Brummels" reunion album?

Take Care,
Stephen Cargile



'75 Album

Posted 6-5-2001 04:54

Don't remember if there was an option, but the guys have told me they were disappointed that Warners didn't put much effort into promoting the album, once it was released, and the sales were pretty dismal. I lived right in San Francisco, at the time, and I never even saw an ad, or the album, and I was very active in buying records, at the time. I never knew about it until the day Dec took me over to Ron E.'s apartment (this was the day I first met Ron) in North Beach (SF), and he played me the album from the master tape. I ended up picking up a used copy.
Ron, after that, was involved in a band at A&M Records, called "The Giants". The album got recorded (Ron used to have one - think he still does), but the lead singer got into a fist-fight with the manager, in one of the corporate offices, or something like that, and A&M dropped the project like a hot potato, according to R.E. Kind of a funny story, in retrospect. It was a pretty good album, by the way. STRONG lead singer, I remember

Stephen C. [guest]


The Reunion

Posted 6-5-2001 10:56

Hello Jackson,

I hope that you have been getting my recent e-mails. I have been receiving yours without a problem.

Yes, I know what you mean about the publicity surrounding the reunion album. I NEVER saw a word about it and I simply stumbled across a copy in the (new) record store. Ironically, I was looking at the Beatles section and noticed a BB section right behind which was one of the intentions of the BB name. (At least that is my understanding.) I do, however, remember the review printed in Rolling Stone which was not favorable. The review compared the effort to the 1973 Byrds reunion album and claimed that both albums were lackluster. At that moment I said, "Great, go ahead and pan the album. Then nobody will buy it, it will flop and then the BB's will break-up again." I've sworn off music critics since then.

Of course, this was 1975 and Warner Brothers was in the process of destroying Badfinger at that time (in which they succeeded). Maybe Warner needs to stay away from all rock bands that start with the letter "B" . . . .

Always a pleasure to hear from you Jackson!

Take Care,




Posted 6-7-2001 12:03

Never saw that review, I don't believe. Saw good reviews of "Triangle" and "Bradley's Barn" when they came out, but they didn't sell much, either.
Ironically, I just listened to that Byrds' reunion album two nights ago. I really enjoyed that album. I MISS GENE CLARK! That album went gold, I believe, in spite of Rolling Stone.
Badfinger. I played several concerts on guitar with Joey Molland. A thrill of a lifetime, especially playing slide guitar on "Day After Day"! A cherished memory. Badfinger is, and was, Declan's favorite group (after The Beatles, of course). We used to play a lot of Badfinger's material. Joey is the only person I've ever met who was born on the same day (date and year) as I was...................Jackson

Stephen C. [guest]



Posted 6-7-2001 16:56

Hello Jackson,

I know that this is a BB site, but . . .

I am fortunate enough to have met both Gene Clark and Joey Molland. Met them both twice actually. Got a chance to tell Gene that he was "a hell of a songwriter" which he appreciated. We talked about the RCA version of Eight Miles High and he informed me (in 1987) that it was going to be released (he was excited about that). Gene is one of my all-time favorites and I was severely depressed when he passed away back in April 1991. Michael Clarke told me that it was "definitely not drugs." I could only assume that it was the alcohol but I do not know.

Joey is one the most likable and appreciative rockers you could ever meet. He will spend as much time with you as you want. I spoke with him here in Jax last September for about 20 minutes after a show. When did you play with him?

It is interesting that Dec favored BF after the Fab Four. It is a natural step for all Beatles fans. It is a small world and a lot of this music ties together in some way.

Take Care,



BBs with Joey Molland

Posted 6-8-2001 14:19

Sal and I appeared with our edition of The Beaus on a tour called "30 Years Of Rock & Roll", fronted by Donnie Brooks (top-10 in 1960, "Mission Bell"). We did The beau Brummels hits, then the four of us, sans Sal, backed up the other members of the tour (this was a pain, because our regular lead guitarist and drummer opted not to play on the tour, and the last-minute replacements we got were disappointing - everybody on the tour was unhappy with the drummer, and the guitarist didn't rehearse properly; made us look bad). They included Otis Day & The Knights, Dennis Yost of The Classics IV, Tiny Tim, Len Barry ("1-2-3", "Bris-
tol Stomp"), and Joey Molland, amongst others. I believe it was '94, or maybe '95. Difficulties ensued, so Sal continued on with the tour, and I left to do a stint backing The Jordanaires in Reno, in their tribute show (with Sharon Haynes) to Patsy Cline, another experience of a lifetime! The Jordanaires have sang on more recordings than any vocal group in history, and were wonderful people. My lord, what stories they had to tell!...................................Jackson

Stephen C. [guest]


BB's and Joey

Posted 6-8-2001 16:57

Hello Jackson,

I'll e-mail you for some Q & A on Joey Molland. I am a big Badfinger fan - and Byrds fan - as well. Can't wait to go home and plug in my Rickenbacker 360/12.

Take Care,


Stephen C. [guest]


Don Irving

Posted 6-11-2001 10:42

Greetings to Everyone,

We know that Don Irving was a "hired gun" in 1966 to fill in for Ron E. on the road and he appears on the cover of the "BB '66" album. Did Don play on all of these tracks? Did he perform on any tracks that appeared on any other BB releases? Thanks in advance.

Take Care,


Stephen C. [guest]


Stoneground & Pan

Posted 6-13-2001 10:22

Greetings to Everyone,

I am interested in the personnel line-ups in Sal's Stoneground and Ron E.'s Pan as well as the formation/break-up dates. I used to have their respective albums back in the 1970's but they were misplaced over the years. (My apologies to Sal and Ron.) I believe that Dan Levitt (guitarist on the BB reunion album) was also a member of Pan. Does anybody have any information regarding this? Many thanks ahead of time.

Take Care,




Posted 6-14-2001 04:37

Dan Levitt was a member of Pan. When I see Ron, I'll take a look at the album cover, and see who the others are. I believe he still has that album.
Stoneground had a lot of people in the group. I remember five of the original members off the top of my head: lead guitarist Tim Barnes (currently gigging with a blues band on the West Coast, and playing GREAT - I saw him in Reno in 1999), and the four female members, Deidre LaPorte, Lynn Hughes, Annie Sampson, and Lydia Moreno. That's by memory. I think I have the albums up in Reno, and will give you more names when I can, unless someone else can supply you with them before that.
Did you know that Pablo Cruise grew out of the latter stages of Stonground? Cory Lerios was in the group, Dave Jenkins was around the 'fringes' according to Sal, and, I believe, one of the other members was in Stoneground, as well, though I can't remember for sure.




Posted 6-14-2001 04:40

Dan Levitt was a member of Pan. When I see Ron, I'll take a look at the album cover, and see who the others are. I believe he still has that album.
Stoneground had a lot of people in the group. I remember five of the original members off the top of my head: lead guitarist Tim Barnes (currently gigging with a blues band on the West Coast, and playing GREAT - I saw him in Reno in 1999), and the four female members, Deidre LaPorte, Lynn Hughes, Annie Sampson, and Lydia Moreno. That's by memory. I think I have the albums up in Reno, and will give you more names when I can, unless someone else can supply you with them before that.
Did you know that Pablo Cruise grew out of the latter stages of Stonground? Cory Lerios was in the group, Dave Jenkins was around the 'fringes' according to Sal, and, I believe, one of the other members was in Stoneground, as well, though I can't remember for sure.



Pablo Cruise

Posted 6-14-2001 04:46

Just remembered: Steve Price was the other member of Stoneground (drummer), that was also a charter member of Pablo Cruise.

Stephen C. [guest]



Posted 6-14-2001 10:42

Hello Jackson,

Thanks for the info and confirming what I had heard some time back that Pablo Cruise evolved from Stoneground. That will make an interesting branch on the BB family tree. I'll research it from the "back side" by looking at Pablo Cruise (may fill in some blanks by going that route). Was there any connection between Sal and Pablo Cruise during the transition?

Take Care,




Posted 6-14-2001 18:21

 I don't believe so. The only thing I remember Sal saying about it was that Dave Jenkins wanted into Stoneground, but they had so many members, there just wasn't any room for him. Eventually, Sal moved on, while Lerios and Price remained in Stoneground, as I remember. Cruise came later.
Cory came around to our gigs in the 80's, and was helping Sal write and arrange some material, at the time. Sal wrote a beautiful song, "Hey, Naomi", with Cory's help, which The Beau Brummels used to perform. All I've got is a live recording of that, in my archives. We never made it to the studio with that one......................J


Stephen C. [guest]


Baypop Show

Posted 6-21-2001 11:01

Greetings to All,

Does anybody know why Dec did not participate in the Baypop reunion concert? Do we know the BB song list for this performance? Many thanks ahead of time.

Take Care,

BeauBrummel [guest]


RE: Baypop

Posted 6-21-2001 17:20

Hi Stephen,

 I have had heard a few different reasons as to why Dec. did not perform at the show, but nothing I can confirm.

 I believe if you look at the archived Guestbook on this site you can find an entry from a few people who went to the show, and I think they may have said what songs were sung, I was told they played a short set.

All the best...




Posted 6-22-2001 07:25

He was dealing with health issues, at the time. He's better now.

Stephen C. [guest]



Posted 6-22-2001 10:48

Hello Cass and Jackson,

Thanks for the info and the responses. It was great to see the reunion photo here on the site. Time flies very quickly in the world of music and many years go buy without seeing some people.

Good to hear that Dec is doing better.

Take Care,

Stephen C. [guest]


The Derailed 1966 Album

Posted 6-26-2001 10:36

Greetings to Everyone,

We all know that "Beau Brummels '66" was a hijacked project that was commandeered by Warner Brothers. BB compilations such as "From The Vaults" and "The San Fran Sessions" highlight several songs in various forms (demos to polished tracks) that were originally considered for their third album before Warner stepped in. Does anyone know if the BB's had a definitive song list in mind for this third album?

Thanks in advance.

Take Care,

BeauBrummel [guest]


RE: Brummels "66"

Posted 6-26-2001 19:29

Hi Stephen,

  I don't know...Interesting question.


Stephen C. [guest]


The Derailed Album

Posted 6-27-2001 10:36

Hello Cass,

It would be an interesting speculation as to what the song order would have been. Certainly one could make a reasonable guess based upon the advanced state of recordings of some of the "unreleased" material. It would be a fun exercise to hear everyone's opinion and guess for this. One could assume that this album would have contained 12 songs.

It is very interesting that the amount of material left in the can at that time exceeded that of released material during the Autumn years. What makes this especially noteworthy is the fact that all of the "San Fran Sessions" songs were self-penned except for one which was, I believe, an arrangement of a public domain tune ("Kill"). At a time when the Beatles were being packaged to release some type of album 2-4 times a year it is interesting that the BB's were averaging one per year. Perhaps Autumn Records could not handle this due to their impending collapse while Warner seemed to apply only a minimal effort to the group.

Any thoughts?

Take Care,



RE: BB '66

Posted 6-27-2001 22:02

If you're interested in hunting it down, there is an album (available on the 'net), on Vault Records, called "Vol. 44", that has a lot of the tunes that were slated for the third Autumn album, as well as songs that didn't make the first two (such as "Louie Louie, with John Petersen singing).

Tom Donahue and Bob Mithcell were the discoverers and promoters of The Beau Brummels. Without them, we, possibly, may never have heard of the group. But they were not ideal management. They didn't tend to re-invest money from their successes back into their acts and record company. To make a very long story short, they mismanaged Autumn records into non-existence (the late Tom Donahue was quoted as saying he believed that "Laugh Laugh" would have been a number one, gold record, if the group had been on a major label - as it was, "Just A Little" out-sold the first song substantially, though I can attest, from our many live performances, that "Laugh Laugh" was remembered much more, by our general audience, than "Just A Little" - at least 5-to-1!).
The sale of their contract to Warners was quite sudden for the Brummels. They had songs in the can for a third album, but, though Donahue sold the group to Warners, he sold all the master tapes to Jack Lawerke of Merit Distributing (who proceeded to release a "Best Of" album, with cover art of a painting of a woman in a flowing gown, and "Vol. 44", with a cover resembling a Victorian woodcarving).
This created a serious conflict: Warners had a group, but no product to sell. Rather than being patient, and allowing the group to develop new material for them, the "brainstorm", the ill-conceived "Beau Brummels '66" album, came into being. It was a rush-job (and a pretty poor album, to boot) but Warners was over-anxious to get some Beau Brummels product of their own onto the market, and shot themselves, and the group, in the foot, artistically, and comercially!

Between the inability of Autumn Records to maximize the marketing & distribution/promotion of The Beau Brummels, and losing an original member (Declan), and their artistic driving force becoming a "part-timer" (Ron Elliott), because of poor health, the lack of attention from management (Bob Mitchell dying of Hodgkins Disease, and Donahue being a major-league party-animal), and Warners IMMEDIATE screw-up, by ordering up a cover-tune album from a group that had established itself as an original-song act, with its own distinct musical personality, created a serious abyss, from which The Beau Brummels, sadly, never fully came out of.
It is sometimes said, "timing is everything", and The Beau Brummels are a classic case of unfortunate timing, circumstances, and mishandling. I've always believed that this band deserves to be remembered a lot more than they are............

Footnote: The bandmembers have told me (and, if you listen closely, you can tell yourself), that the first album had only four songs that were fully produced, and the others are, basically, demo recordings. "Laugh Laugh", "Still In Love With You Baby", "Just A Little", and "They'll Make You Cry", are the four songs. The rest were 'filler', selected from mounds of demo tapes. "Oh Lonesome Me" (written by Don Gibson), and "Ain't That Loving You Baby" (written by Jimmy Reed, though the album credits it to someone named "D. Malone") were the only songs not written, or co-written, by Ron Elliott and Bob Durand, if memory serves.


Stephen C. [guest]


Vol. 44

Posted 6-28-2001 11:22

Hello Jackson,

You are right about the Vol. 44 album and I know it well. Several songs on that release would be my guess for the basis of the third album. I would certainly not be surprised if Ron E. and Sal had earmarked some of their demos from the "San Fran Sessions" CD (SFS, for short from now on) for development into this album as well. They were simply too good to leave languishing in the can. Have they ever mentioned such a plan to you? Based on their high volume of productivity at that time I would also not be surprised in they had a batch of other songs that never saw any type of recording for posterity.

Good to hear from you Jackson. Thanks for all of the information, as always.

Take Care,



3rd Album

Posted 6-28-2001 17:11

Well, those songs WERE being developed for a third Autumn album. The Beau Brummels contract was sold to Warners during this period. The whole thing was pretty sudden, with no waqrning to The Beau Brummels, according to Ron Elliott.

Ron Meagher has told me that Warners didn't realize that they weren't getting the whole package (master tapes-and-all) when they bought the contract. Their relationship with the label started out under this "cloud", according to him. I wonder if, maybe, Bob Durand could shed some further light on this transition, since, I believe, he was around, at the time?

There are many wonderful songs written by the band that you've never heard. As I've mentioned before, Sal has written some really good songs, and, of course, Ron Elliott. Declan's got a few good ones, as well...



Stephen C. [guest]


Don Irving (Slight Return)

Posted 6-22-2001 10:52

Greetings to Everyone,

What happened to Don Irving after leaving the BB's? Does anyone know the dates of his tenure in the group? Many thanks in advance.

Take Care,



Don Irving

Posted 6-28-2001 17:19

I asked Ron Elliott about Do, but he doesn't remember much about him, and hasn't heard from him in over 30 years (I've heard, in the past, that he lives in the Sacramento area - it seems to me he contacted Sal in the mid-80's, if my memory is correct. I remember he contacted somebody in our organization). It seems Don entered in mid-66, and was around for less than a year. Petersen left for Harpers Bizarre, then Meagher got drafted, so the touring group ceased to exist.

I've read that Charles Elliott (Ron's dad) was don's connection, and he introduced Don to the group. Ron was battling his diabetes, at the time, and really doesn't remember much beyond that

Stephen C. [guest]


Don Irving

Posted 6-29-2001 10:59

Hello Jackson,

It sounds like Don Irving is to the BB's what Kevin Kelley was to the Byrds in that he was only around for a short time and basically disappeared from the radar screen after leaving. (Even cousin Chris Hillman could not find Kelley to be interviewed for John Rogan's book.)

I am still trying to verify some specific dates with regards to lineups. It appears that "Lineup A" with Dec exists until July 1965. The four-man "Lineup B" exists between July 1965 and circa June 1966. "Lineup C" with Don exists between this time and spring (?) 1967. I need to research the departure dates of John and Don and I assume that both occurred around the same time. That leaves the trio as "Lineup D" for "Triangle in 1967. Ron E. and Sal form "Lineup E" from late 1967 (?) to early 1969 (?).

I have never seen a biography of the group that contained this information so I need to do more homework.

Take Care,


Stephen C. [guest]


BB Name Ownership

Posted 7-11-2001 21:27

Greetings to Everyone,

The history of many prominent rock/pop groups includes various legal battles over the ownership of the names to these groups. The Byrds, for instance, have had some of the more famous courtroom procedures. Paul Kantner (Jefferson Airplane and Jefferson Starship) took legal ownership to "Jefferson" when he left the Jefferson Starship. The list goes on.

The question here is, "Who owns the legal rights to 'The Beau Brummels' name?" (Don't worry - I'm not out to secure them!) Has there been some type of "gentlemen's agreement" between the original 5 members?

I do not mean to pry into the personal privacy of Ron, Ron, Dec, John and Sal with this question. I only ask as several groups with this much history behind them generally run into this issue sooner or later.

Take Care,



Name rights

Posted 7-14-2001 17:24

The general consensus is that Ron Elliott has the
rights to the name, though he's never tried to hoard
it from the rest. I was talking to Ron, and his Dad,
Charles, one day, and they said they had done
some legal maneuver to establish rights to the
name. All, except John Petersen, have been
involved in working units of the band since the late
70's, and even John's come close a couple of
times, and, of course, he performed with the group
at Baypop.

Aside from the various line-ups I was personally
involved in, Ron Elliott had a group of Brummels,
featuring his writing partner (later than Bob
Durand), Butch Engle, as vocalist. He then joined
with Declan after Ron Meagher decided he didn't
have time for it, back around '78-'79.

Danny Leavitt had his own group for a short while,
in the early 90's. He wanted to do his group with
Ron Elliott, but Ron wasn't up to it, and gave him
the go-ahead. RE encouraged Danny and I to team
up (I did speak to Danny on the phone about it, as
a matter of fact), but Sal Valentino joined, so that
ended it.

Sal also had his own group of Brummels, out of
Sacramento, for awhile, after we parted ways, but I
don't know much about that version of The Beau

The band has had relatively few problems
regarding use of the name, unlike The Byrds,
Herman's Hermits, The Searchers, many others,
and, of course, the ridiculous ones like The Ink
Spots, Drifters, Coasters, and Platters! I played
guitar for The Coasters once, in Jackpot Nevada,
and they hadn't had an original member in years,
and the one they had, the late Bobby Nunn, was
gone from the original group before they recorded
most of their biggest hits!

Stephen C. [guest]


BB Name

Posted 7-17-2001 10:51

Hello Jackson,

Thanks for the information. It is good to know that the BB's have avoided the destructive legal wranglings that have racked other groups.

I hope that you received my last e-mail regarding the photographs.

Take Care,



Stephen's e-mail

Posted 7-18-2001 08:51

No, I didn't get it!


Stephen C. [guest]


You Tell Me Why

Posted 7-20-2001 10:39

Greetings to Everyone,

The SFS CD compilation is a virtual goldmine and a must-have for any serious BB fan. The alternate takes of released material are very interesting, to say the least. With several working versions of "Sad Little Girl" having now been released it seemed odd that there were no alternate takes/early versions of "You Tell Me Why" or "Don't Talk To Strangers."

Are there any such alternate versions or demos? Did these songs just naturally fall into place in short sessions with few takes? Many thanks in advance.

Take Care,




Posted 7-25-2001 05:29

I do remember Dec calling me a few years ago, telling me a fellow involved with one of these archival CD albums came to interview him, and played him some out-takes. Declan did say that another take of "Don't Talk To Strangers" was played for him, so it's clear, at least, that one exists, from what Dec said. He has also told me, in the past, that "You Tell Me Why" was one of the songs they were working on when he and the group parted ways, so it's likely that there may be demos of it. As to why they're not on the CD releases is another question. You might look up Jud Cost and compady, on the "Sundazed" Web Page. They could probably give you a more definitive answer...Jackson

Stephen C. [guest]



Posted 7-25-2001 11:09

Hello Jackson,

Once again you have come through with the answer and I appreciate it very much. Hopefully, these alternate takes will see the light of day even if they are "rough."

Take Care,




Posted 7-28-2001 22:50

I just spoke to Declan for a couple of hours Thursday night, and asked him, specifically, about the two songs you mentioned. He said they were around, at the point he left, but he, personally, didn't record on any demos of them, and doesn't remember hearing demos of them, though I distinctly remember him telling me that he was played a demo of "...Strangers", by someone who was interviewing him for one of those re-releases. As I mentioned previously, Jud Cost, at "Sundazed", would be an excellent person to ask this question, since they went through all of those archival material to compile "The San Francisco Sessions" CD package.

Stephen C. [guest]



Posted 7-31-2001 10:50

Hello J,

I'll follow up on this one and try to explore this topic at Sundazed. I'll see what I can find out. Thanks again for the updated (and up to the minute!) information by taking the question to Dec.

Take Care,




Posted 8-2-2001 20:48

Actually, I just realized that I should be able to get you a definitive answer tomorrow, if I can remember. Sal, John, and Ron Meagher are coming by my house tomorrow. We're going to see Herman's Hermits here in Reno, and Peter Noone's manager/bandleader, Rick Levy, is a friend of mine (I played with him and Dave Ferrara, Hermits drummer, several years ago, in Jay & The Techniques). so we're gonna get together for a bull session. I'll let you know about "You Tell Me Why" and "Don't Talk To Strangers"..........Jackson


Stephen C. [guest]


BB Guest Recordings

Posted 9-4-2001 11:05

Greetings to Everyone,

Did any of the BB's guest on the recordings of other artists btween 1964 and 1968? I am aware of JP joining Harper's Bizarre. Thanks in advance.

Take Care,



Guest spots

Posted 9-5-2001 03:36

Most likely, no guest appearences between those years. The earliest I remember is Sal appearing on Screamin' Jay Hawkins' comeback album, "What That Is", which featured Jay's cult-classic, "Constipation Blues". Ron Elliott was on a Dolly Parton album, but that was much later, in The '80's. Ron may have played, somewhere, on The Everly Brothers' Warners albums, since he did contribute album cuts, but I'm not sure about it; would have to ask.............................Jackson

Stephen C. [guest]


Guest Recordings

Posted 9-18-2001 17:00

Hello J,

Sorry for the late response here. Did you get my last e-mail regarding the great "Dolphin's Smile" studio argument?

Thanks again for the information.

Take Care,



Dolphin's Smile

Posted 9-19-2001 05:31

I believe I did. I'd love to hear that......Jackson


Stephen C. [guest]


A Question for Cass

Posted 11-12-2001 12:34

Hello Cass,

What are the chances for having some relayed Q & A with Sal, Ron, Ron, Dec and John on this site? Have they expressed any interest in some form of involvement? (Please pardon the question if you have already exhausted this possibility.)

Hats off to Jackson Hart and Bob Durand for participating in the message forum already.

Take Care,

cassasong [guest]



Posted 11-14-2001 03:05

Hi Stephen,

  Great thought! I have also thought about it myself. And if any of the Brummels are willing to do so, I am willing too!

 And, yes many thanks to Jackson Hart and Bob Durand for sharing their comments on the message board.

   Cass :)



A question for Cass

Posted 11-15-2001 00:11

I think that would be a great idea too. A few years
ago there was a Beau Brummels message board on AOL that
Sal Valentino participated in. It would be great to
have the opportunity to see more stories from him and
the others on this site.






Posted 11-18-2001 02:59

Ron Elliott and Ron Meagher both have computers in their home, John and Dec don't seem to want to get involved in the computer age very much. I haven't been in contact with Sal recently, so I don't know about his ability to participate in such a situation. Ron E is pretty friendly about answering questions, but Ron M is a very private man, and avoids things like chats and interviews.

As I've told people before, if anyone has questions for the Rons, or Dec, I'd be glad to relay them, and see if I can get them answered. Dec has no computer but we do talk on the phone. The last I heard from Ron M, John is back down in the L.A. area, after a stay in Northeast California, close to Angels Camp. There was some talk of a partial reunion, but personal issues have arisen to put it on the back burner, possibly permanently..........................Jackson Hart

Stephen C. [guest]


BB Questions

Posted 11-20-2001 12:33

Hello Jackson,

On behalf of everyone here, many thanks for your input and assistance. To my fellow BB fans, I can tell you that Jackson is a valuable source on information with regards to BB history and in-depth facts. He has been a tremendous help to me in my own BB research. Cass, I think that Jackson would be a great and obvious source for the relayed Q. and A. idea. Being a musician who has worked extensively with Ron, Ron, Sal, Dec and John under the BB banner, he has a unique perspective.

By the way, Jackson, I have just sent a note to you regarding Ron E.'s methodology in writing. Any thoughts?

Take Care,



Ron's Writing

Posted 11-21-2001 03:56

A word about Ron's writing. He likes to work with another writer, such as he did with Mr. Durand, and, later, Butch Engle (we also wrote together for a bit). He considers his strong point to be creating melodies built around his ability to create unique guitar compositions. He doesn't consider himself to be a real good lyric writer, though we all know he has certainly written some great ones. If you leave him with a song too long, he might change it around to where it practically becomes a new song. Like many creative people, he's never satisfied, and always feels his songs can be improved, and so they would often change as we went along. An example of what I mean can be found on the live CD that was released last year. Note the words in "Don't Talk To Strangers" have been altered in the first verse, and in the bridge. When we played "Dream On" through the late '70s, into the early '90s, the song was performed with completely new lyrics, with Ron himself usually singing the lead. One funny incident took place one night when we were getting ready to play, and he announced to me and Dec that he had a great new idea for "Just A Little" (something about singing the chouus twice-at-a-time, instead of just once). Dec got all excited, yelling "It's already been a hit, just the way it is! They wnat to hear it the way we already did it! Save your new ideas for your new songs!" Anyway, the point is: Ron's creative force is always in action.
......................................Jackson Hart

Stephen C. [guest]


Ron's Writing

Posted 11-26-2001 12:06

Hello J,

Thanks for the follow-up. I figured that songs were probably modified over the course of time but I enjoyed your observation that Ron would eventually change some completely if given enough time. At the risk of being "stale" I think that I would be on Dec's side with regards to "Just A Little" but I can understand Ron's desire to constantly improve.

Take Care,

cassasong [guest]


Ask A Brummel!

Posted 11-27-2001 04:04

Hello to Everyone!

 Just wanted to let you know that next month I will have a page set up where you can send your questions to Jackson Hart regarding the Brummels. Then I will post the answers on the site under Brummels Questions.

Cass :)


Jackson Hart [guest]


Ron Elliott's "Candlestick Maker" on eBay

Posted 12-11-2001 06:30

Currently there are two of Ron's CDs available on eBay, fron European sources, if you want it badly enough (be careful not to mix him up with the Canadian artist, Ron Elliott, who is a country/gospal steel guitarist). I've been checking for a Stateside source for this CD, and also tried to find some info on the Line Record Company (who, apparently, released the CD) , but no luck, so far. This is the onlt solo album by any of the original Beau Brummels..............

lids3qy [guest]


Candlestickmaker CD

Posted 12-13-2001 22:21

I have this CD. In places it says LINEA Records and in others it just says LINE. There is an address on it of Line Music GmbH, PO Box 605220, D-2000 Hamburg 60, Western Germany.



Moving The Site

Posted 12-18-2001 23:04

Hi Brummels Fans,

 I have decided that I will move the site. I hope to have it up and running by next month at it's new url (which I will post soon) By moving the site I will gain more room for additions.

I hope that you will continue to enjoy the site!

        Cass :)

jdvina [guest]


news of sal valentino

Posted 12-19-2001 05:14

My name is JD Aldridge. I play lead guitar for the seventies/rock band SRX. On 12/15 we had the honor of being the back up band at an oldies but goodies show at Freed Hardeman University, in Henderson, Tn. One of the guests on the show was Sal Valentino. What a thrill it was for me to get to perform 'Laugh, Laugh' and 'Just a Little' with Sal. His vocals were immaculate. I got the chance to talk to him after the show and I must say he is a class act. For those of you who are interested, he told me he had been performing at these shows for about 6 or 7 years now. If you get the chance to hear him, go for it. You won't regret it. J D Aldridge




Wild, Wild, Winter LP

Posted 1-24-2002 05:36

Hello Everyone,

I just wanted to pass along that at right now you can bid on "The Wild, Wild, Winter Soundtrack" on LP from the movie The Beau Brummels appeared on. This is very rare, as the Film is no longer in print.



Marcia [guest]


1984 live concert

Posted 1-3-2002 04:56

Some friends of mine, and I, went to a concert in Palo Alto, California, in 1984, to see The dinosaurs (they were a collection of 60's musicians - Spencer Dryden of The Airplane, John Cippolina of Quicksilver, Barry Melton of Country Joe, Peter Albin of Big Brother, and Robert Hunter of Grateful Dead. We missed the old Fillmore days, and this was a chance to relive it. The Beau Brummels were the opening act, and they were totally amazing! They completely blew The Dinosaurs away. We all came to see The Dinosaurs (who were also wonderful, by the way). The lead singer was one of the best singers we ever heard! When they sang "Laugh Laugh" it brought down the house. I've seen videos of the band from the 60s and they look quite different, and I've always wondered who was an original member, if any, in the group we saw. Old films show a lead singer up front. Everyone was playing an instrument when we saw them. We went to see The Dinosaurs, and went home raving about The Beau Brummels. It's a shame they weren't more popular than they were. They deserved it, with that sound! I'm glad you have this page, and glad I found it. Please keep up the good work.
P.S.: Anyone out there know anything about the group we saw around 1984
Thank You, Marcia



1984 Live Concert

Posted 1-22-2002 17:41

Hi Marcia,

Thank you for the nice comments on the site! I'm not sure which line up you saw of the Beau Brummels in 1984, there seems to have been a few in the 80's featuring different members, there may have been at the very least one or two original members.


Jackson Hart [guest]


The '84 concert

Posted 2-3-2002 22:44

I remember that show quite well, because we were having a good night there in Palo Alto. In fact, I remember a funny moment when we left the stage, and Barry Melton walked up to me and said, in his sarcastic/comical way: "How in the f**k are we supposed to follow that, wise-ass?!". The late Skip Spence, of "Moby Grape", was with them backstage, and was running around like a five-year-old, a victim of too much LSD, I was told. Quite a sight. I believe I still have a live tape of that concert, buried away in my stuff. The group at that time was (facing the stage, from right-to-left) Jim Moyles on keyboards, Declan Mulligan on guitar, I was in the center, playing bass (I sang "Laugh Laugh, and thanks so much for the compliment. Wish I could still sing like that!), with Ron Elliott on the left, also playing guitar. Back on the drums was Peter Tucker (who'd really been around - He played in a band with "Boston" lead vocalist, Brad Depp, pre-Boston, in a recording act named Guns & Butter, and also San Fransisco's "Pacific Gas & Electric"), with percussion help from Dennis Rhinemer. Glad you and your friends had a good time. Wish we could do it again!................................Jackson Hart




Played Drums for the Brummels

Posted 2-1-2002 01:27

I cannot believe I stumbled onto a Brummels Web site. I played drums for them on a couple tours back in '75, I think it was. Ron Elliott, Declan Mulligan, Danny Levitt, Sal Valentino and me, Pete. Played a bunch of places, such as the San Jose and Santa Cruz civic auditoriums, the Washington State Fair, The Troubador in L.A., the Santa Barbara Bowl (w/ Three Dog Night), and several clubs. We were managed by Schiffman and Larson Publishing, on Sunset in Hollywood. The Peterson chap who was the original drummer, if memory serves me, married Ted Templeman's (the producer's) daughter (God, I hope I'm remembering this right), and quit playing, which opened the drummer position, which I was fortunate enough to fill. Anyway, if any of you folks have a pipeline to any of the Brummels, please tell them that Pete sez "Hi!" I'll check back at this chatboard periodically to see if anybody replies (or even cares!).
Thanks, and great site!
Peter. T.

Jackson Hart [guest]


To Peter Tepp

Posted 2-3-2002 22:28

I've certainly heard a lot about you! Declan and Ron give their regards. I've been told about you finishing up the '75 Warner Brothers Album promotional tour, as well as many other interesting stories about that tour. Sure you have some pretty good stories of your own, no doubt. Pleased to "meet" you!..............................Jackson Hart



Played Drums for the Brummels

Posted 2-4-2002 18:58

To Jackson Hart:

Pleased to "meet" you, too, Jackson. By the way, apologies to all for the
double posting of my original message - was navigating through the site
and used my back button, when I was greeted with a "repost?" page, and
when I assented, the dirty deed was done. I learned my lesson.
Anyway, good to hear from Declan and Ron! I liked them and Danny very
much, and I look back on my time with them with much fondness. (Sal was a
bit more aloof and so I never did get to know him very well.) Just as a bit of
historical background, a friend of mine (Rick Shoemaker) who worked at
Schiffman and Larson (the outfit who was managing the Brummels at the
time) called me and told me they needed a drummer, and asked if I was up
to auditioning for them. I of course said I was. (I had done some drum tracks
as a favor to Rick on a project he was working on, so I guess he was
returning the favor.) So I met Ron, Declan and Danny (I don't think Sal was
there) at a rehearsal studio somewhere in the neighborhood of Highland
and Santa Monica boulevards in Hollywood. I guess the audition went well
enough, because the next thing I knew we were on our way to a gig at a
club in San Mateo (whose name escapes me) right on the Bay. But, funny
thing, there was a screw-up, and it turned out we were supposed to play
not that week, but the next. So come the next week the gig went rather
well, if memory serves me (which it doesn't always do). Later on the tour
we played the Washington State Fair in Puyallup. My most memorable
moment on the whole tour came sometime after that gig, when Declan was
standing at the rail gazing rather wistfully at the people riding the roller
coaster off on the other side the infield, and I strolled up and asked him what
was up. He said, in his lilting accent, something to the effect that sometimes
one's mind imprints a picture that stays with one forever, as he motioned
with his head that I should look over at the roller coaster. I glanced over and,
silhouetted against a golden-red sunset, the roller coaster crested a rise and
the people all had their arms outstretched skyward. Declan, you were right.
That image is forever imprinted on my mind. Somehow, in retrospect, I see
that episode as an allegory for the human condition in general, and I dare
say that Declan has a bit of a philosopher in him. Thanks Declan. I think I
learned something from you that day.
I could go on and on about my brief experience as a Brummel, but I think it
best that I save some stuff for my next post!
Thanks, and glad of my brief but memorable experience as a Brummel,
Peter Tepp
P.S.: Best regards to Ron, Declan and Danny, who I am fortunate enough
to say were friends of mine, albeit only too briefly a long, long time ago.

Jackson Hart [guest]



Posted 2-7-2002 02:25

It's true enough that Dec has a bit of the philosopher in him. He is my closest friend in the group, and the first one of the group that I met. If you'd like to send him a personal hello/message, to my <> address, I'll see that he gets it. He hasn't learned to use e-mail, but his wife does it. Sal's closest friend in the band was John, and it could have contributed to his "aloof-ness". Sal can be quite a warm and considerate friend, especially away from the business of music.


jerryhobrecht [guest]


Sal Valentino

Posted 2-4-2002 22:16

On Friday, February 15th, Sal will be playing a benefit in Sacramento, CA. Other bands include Mick Martin and his Blues Rockers and Norton Buffalo. This is a benefit for the drummer of Mick's band who unexpectedly had a heart attack when they opened for the Suns of Champlin several weeks ago. The show will be at the Crest Theater in Sacramento, a great music venue. The Crest is located in the newly updated downtown mall near the State Capitol. I heard this on Mick Martin's Blues Party program that aired this past Saturday. Am not sure how to obtain tickets, but Mick said tickets will be available at the door. There may be further information on the band's website:

Jackson Hart [guest]


Re: Benefit

Posted 2-7-2002 02:27

Is Tim Barnes (who was in Stoneground with Sal), still with Mick Martin. I believe he used to be.

jerryhobrecht [guest]


Sal Valentino

Posted 2-8-2002 03:29

In response to Jackson Hart's question, yes Tim Barnes does play with Mick's band. Go to:


Jimmy M. [guest]


Gentle Wandering Ways

Posted 2-21-2002 21:27

Jackson, is that Ron Meagher who does that great errie baritone/bass lead vocal on Gentle Wandering Ways. It kind of reminds me of a similar vocal performance done by Terry Kirkman on The Association's Angeline.

Jimmy M. [guest]


Gentle Wandering Ways

Posted 2-21-2002 22:00

Whoops, I should have read down before I posted. The answer is Ron Elliot. Actually I'd originally thought it was Ron E.(I knew it wasn't Sal) but for some reason had thought I'd heard of Ron M. doing low vocals like that on other tunes.

Jackson Hart [guest]


Ron Meagher Vocals

Posted 2-23-2002 17:37

Off the top of my head, the songs Ron Meagher sang on the two main Autumn releases, and the first Warners release, were:

(Introducing...): "They'll Make You Cry", and "Not Long Ago (The B-side of "Just A Little", if I remember correctly),
(VOL. 2): Doesn't Matter

(Beau Brummels '66): "Mrs. Brown You've Got A Lovely Daughter", "Play With Fire".

Ron Meagher has no other lead vocals on the main releases, though he does appear frequently on the many CD re-releases that have appeared, notably "I Will Go". The way to identify Meagher is that he is quite nasal (Ron Elliott says it always sounded like he had a cold!), and Elliott is not.


Kimberly Branson [guest]


Song Question

Posted 4-18-2001 04:48

Which Beau Brummel did the John Wayne-like lead vocal in the song, "Gentle Wandering Ways"? I'd also like to find out which other members sang lead on practically every song they ever recorded. Thanks!

Jackson Hart [guest]


Singer on "Gentle Wandering Ways"

Posted 4-22-2001 14:23

This is none other than Ron Elliott. I worked in the band for nearly 20 years since the late '70's, and I can answer any questions as to who-sung-what, if I can remember the song, off the top of my head (I'm working in The Philippines, and only have limited recordings with me). For example, "They'll Make You Cry", on the original album, and The Rhino "Best Of..." collection, is Ron Meagher. John Petersen, drummer, sang one song on each of the first two albums, "That's If You Want Me To", and "Some Time At Night". Declan Mulligan sang, "Oh Lonesome Me", and the ballad, "I Would Be More Than Happy". Declan is also the harmonica player, and the loudest voice you can hear on the chorus of
"Laugh Laugh".....................Jackson Hart

BeauBrummel [guest]



Posted 4-28-2001 01:28

 Thanks for replying to the message!


Jackson Hart [guest]


Ron Elliott's singing

Posted 4-28-2001 07:55

Interestingly enough, not much in the way of Ron Elliott solo vocals, not until the re-releases of demos in later years, though he sang plenty of harmony vocals (he's the low harmony on the original "You Tell Me Why", "Sad Little Girl", and just about everything else - very warm and rich).
The only time he sang lead, on the two Autumn albums, and the subsequent four Warner Bros. albums, was "Wait And See" (which, ironically, was the song featured in The Brummels' first movie appearance "Wild Wild Winter") - a 'doubled' vocal (recorded twice), and in unison with Declan, on "Stick Like Glue", both songs off the first album. He's a bit shy about his singing, but he would 'bash ahead' with a little encouragement...........................Jackson

Bob Durand [guest]


Lead vocals by Ron Elliott

Posted 5-4-2001 22:10

Actually, Elliott also sang lead on "In Good Time" on Volume 2, if memory serves.

Jackson Hart [guest]


In Good Time

Posted 5-5-2001 10:45

No, Sal sang "In Good Time" on the album, though you're part-right: Ron said the bass-voice "Yeah" between verses.
Always wanted to meet you (maybe some day I will).
In case you people don't know who Bob Durand is, he wrote some of The Best Beau Brummels songs with Ron Elliott, including the major hit, "Just A Little"!

Bob Durand [guest]


Re: In good time

Posted 5-25-2001 20:57

You're right, of course. I hadn't listened to the song in ages, and for some reason (probably the "yeah") remembered it as Ron's lead. At any rate, Ron sings lead on several of the demo tracks that appear on the newer archival collections. "What do you want", "I cannot hide", etc. The demo record, which had around 12 tracks on it and which was never released commercially (I believe only 2 copies of it were printed), was Elliott-only. Maybe half to two-thirds of the songs on it have turned up on these Rhino and Sundazed reissues.

Jackson Hart [guest]


Ron Elliott Singing

Posted 5-25-2001 21:11

I remember one of those reissues, featuring Ron's singing, was "There's No Lonelier Man Than Me". He jokes about his singing sometimes (as he does about most things), but his pitch has always been excellent. One of my personal favorites in those reissue/unreleased packages, was a duet Sal and Dec do together, called "It's So Nice". The two of them singing together is one of my favorite things about The Beau Brummels' early sound. They were so much fun to watch, and hear, in concert, as well.

Stephen C. [guest]


Your Writing

Posted 5-25-2001 22:43

Hello Mr. Durand,

This is a distinct pleasure to find you here. I have been a long-time BB fan and I have enjoyed your work immensely. One of my favorites is "Sometime At Night." (You Tell Me Why/Don't Talk To Strangers was the first BB album that I purchased.) I like John Petersen's vocal on that one - it had a slight snarl to it. Many thanks for the great music. I enjoy listening to it as well as playing it on guitar. (My 12-string Yairi seems to gravitate to Brummels every time I pull it out!) By the way, are you still close with Ron Elliott and the rest of the group? I hope that you respond and I look forward to hearing from you.

Take Care,

Bob Duand [guest]


Questions & answers

Posted 5-29-2001 16:50


I'm happy to answer what questions of yours I can. You can reach me at:

Re: Ron's 12-string
Ron had lotsa guitars way back when. I don't remember if it was a 12-string or not, but the best-sounding guitar I thought he had an acoustic Ovation.



BeauBrummel [guest]



Posted 5-31-2001 06:25

Hi Bob,

 Thanks so much for stopping by the site and posting, how nice of you.

  Great Writer!!!

      Cass :)

Velvet Touch [guest]


Wolf of Vevet Fortune

Posted 3-2-2002 04:50

I just recently heard wolf of velvet fortune and fell in love with the song. I have done a search for the lyrics on the net and come up empty handed. If someone has them, I would be ever so pleased to be able to obtain them.

Favorite song: Guess

BDurand [guest]


Wolf of velvet fortune

Posted 3-2-2002 18:09

I've got the lyrics somewhere. Email me at, and I'll dig them out.




Jimmy M. [guest]


Beau Brummels Timeline

Posted 2-26-2002 20:57

Jackson, who was in the group when you first joined in 1978? Was this a reformation or a continuation of the 74-75 reunion? Could you give us all an idea of who all(comings and goings) was in the group during your tenure(78-97)?



RE: Beau Brummels Timeline

Posted 3-3-2002 03:02

Hi Jimmy,

You can find the answer to your question at:

Cass :)


cassasong [guest]


Rock Hall

Posted 3-27-2002 03:43

Hi Brummels Fans!

I was just reading a little article on the "Rock "n" Roll Hall of Fame" and how some people believe that they are running out of people to induct, and the spokesman for the Hall said not to worry because in a few years bands like U2 would be eligible.

I find this crazy, because there are so many artist's from the 60's that have yet to be inducted: The Beau Brummels Defitenly deserve their place there.

If you have visited the site, you may have seen the page I have for the Rock "n" Roll hall of fame, where there is an address that you can send letters to letting the Hall know that the Brummels really deserve the honor of being inducted.

It would be really great if all of us could send letters out to the hall and let them know about the Brummels, and why they deserve to be inducted, and let them know about their accomplishments, achievements in music..etc.

If we all work together on this then one day they will receive the honor of being inducted.

Here is the address if you would like to send a letter:
Rock "n" Roll Hall Of Fame Foundation
1290 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10104

Remember every letter helps!

  Cass :)

 -More coming soon!

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