Winter 2005:

Fall/Winter 2004:

December 2003:        

    Bradley's Barn/Triangle Releases:  Both US and UK editions of these records are scheduled to be released after the New Year. 

      Please Read!: There have been recent reports of Ron Meagher passing away, these reports however are ONLY rumors and have no truth whatsoever, being spread by individuals who are seeking to bring distress to fans of the Beau Brummels. If you have come across recent posts about this on the site message board, I am very sorry! Every effort is being made to rid the board of these kind of hurtful posts. Please read below my recent post to the board:

         Hello Everyone,

I have just taken the time to read the latest posts/reports of Ron Meagher's apparent death, and I can tell you that I am not amused! This message board and website was built for Beau Brummels fans to enjoy, and have fun conversing with one another, not for the spreading of rumors! If you cannot confirm something you hear, like above mentioned then please send me an e-mail privately, ( and I will do my best to find the truth out about it. I know that many of you are not looking to start any rumors, but just trying to find out what the `truth' is... and that this has all caused you much distress. So once again, if you hear something, you're not sure about, please don't post it right away; think of how others might feel!


September 2003:

       New Album! : Sal Valentino and friends have released a special tribute album to Bob Dylan (~POSITIVELY 12TH & K- A Bob Dylan Tribute) from a recent show. Be sure to order your copy of this fabulous album! Find this and other Sal Valentino and Stoneground music at Dig Music.

May 2003:

                   Summer of Love: Photos have been added from the March 2002 from the San Francisco show. Thanks to Melanie for contributing these! Check these out!

April 2003:

                    Tour Memories: Share your memories with other fans that visit the site! If you have attended a brummels show in the past, then be sure to send in your concert review/memories. Check it out!

                    More Music: Collectors Choice Music has released Sal Valentino's band Stoneground two cd's for sell. Check out the music page for links to purchase them.

                   Sal Valentino: There is also word that May 27th dig music will release “A Bob Dylan Tribute” album recorded by Sal Valentino and friends.

                   Ron Elliott Solo: Collector’s Choice music has just re-released Ron Elliott’s solo album “Candlestickmaker”, if you would like to purchase a copy you can do so at:

                  Bradley's Barn/Triangle: Word is that Bradley’s Barn/Triangle import cd’s will be released the last week of June, 24 bonus tracks will be featured between the two cd’s. 

 (- In response to the many people who have been inquiring about the release date for “Triangle and Bradley’s Barn” there has been no word yet on the release date for “Triangle/Bradley’s Barn” expanded re-issues yet.  You can however purchase these albums from these do not contain any bonus material.)

                    Links: A new link has been added to 60's group "The Secrets." website.

February 2003:

                   Guestbook: A new guestbook has been created. Be the first to sign it!
                                       (-Old entries have been archived here: (2000/2001)  (2002-2003)

                   Photo Gallery: The gallery is working! At last the thumbnail photos can be viewed.

                   Additions: More photos have been added to the Photo Gallery. Be sure to check them out, especially, the "Triangle" sessions one.

                    Photo Gallery: Photos have been sent to the gallery by a fan, who scanned them from an album.  These are great photos of the band, be sure to check them out! (To view the photo's you may have to click onto to them, if they are not appearing.)

January 2003:

         Link Added: A link has been added to an interview with Sal Valentino, from the Spectrum Newspaper.

         Story Written: A column has been written about the Beau Brummels, by Mike Gruenberg,

November 2002:

Concert Dates: New Sal Valentino concert date added to the calendar. Be sure to check it out!

Additions: More photos have been added to the Gallery from the 'Summer of Love' show.

Photo Gallery: The gallery has been re-arranged, new and older photos have been added, including the official art work for the recent “Summer of love” show, and Promo photo.  Be sure to check it out!

CD Release: "Bradley's Barn" and "Triangle" can be purchased at . For track listings and other information, take a moment to check out the album pages right here:

Recent Show: Be sure to read fans comments, about the recent brummels concert that took place in San Francisco. Find them posted on the "Message Board".

E-mail: The site has a new e-mail address; please send all correspondence to:

October 2002:

Concert News: The Beau Brummels will be performing this Sunday (10/20/02) for the “Summer of Love Festival” being held at an all day outside event, at the San Francisco Civic Center Plaza. The Brummels will be performing at 11:00 am. Be sure to check out the show!

September 2002:

Letter Heading: Download a letter heading template for your Rock Hall letters! All you have to do is click onto the link and begin typing your letter. (This will open into a "Word Document").

Link Added: To, find beau brummels albums for sell including "Triangle" and "Bradley's Barn".

July/August 2002

Concert Calendar: New concert dates added for Sal Valentino.

June 2002

Bradley's Barn: Order the Beau Brummels last studio album.

June 20th: Remember if you are in the area be sure catch Sal Valentino live at the "power house pub".

May 2002

CD Release: Bradley's Barn to be released as a Japanese Import, June 4th. Pre-order now!

Concert Calendar: Be sure to check out the concert calendar to see where Sal Valentino will be performing.

April 2002

Just A Little Info: I have chosen to take down this page. In an effort to make the site the most accurate that it can possibly be.

March 2002

Beau Brummels Music: The page has been updated. You can now view a few notes about each album. Also, drop down menus allow access to the album pages and song lyrics. If you are looking for Brummels videos and books, please visit "Day's Gone By".

February 2002

New questions posted at "Brummels Questions".

Yahoo! Club Update: I will be deleting the "Yahoo! Brummels Club". As you may know Yahoo! is merging their clubs with their groups. Since there exists a Brummels group, I will keep it rather then having two. If you would like to join the Brummels Group you can by visiting the group site:

Find a great collection of Brummels collectibles at recently someone posted for sell "Wild, Wild Winter" soundtrack on LP.

January 2002

Please update your bookmarks to the new site address

November 2001

Music Pages have been updated. New albums have been added to LP's that have been released this year "North Beach Legends" and "Gentle Wandering Ways".

Hullabaloo will be airing on AMC on the 14th at 10:15 pm. They should be airing the episode with the Brummels.

I have added under "Days Gone By" 16 magazine and Beat Magazine Photos and Stories..contributed by Leslie.

"Urban Spacemen and Wayfaring Strangers: Overlooked Innovators and Eccentric Visionaries of '60s Rock" by Richie Unterberger has been added to Beau Brummels music. This book was brought to my attention, in which it contains a complete chapter regarding the brummels.

If you have a idea for the monthly poll let the site know.

October 2001

Nothing new for October, then regular site updates.

In the recent file transfer I lost the Monthly Poll page.

September 2001

John Peterson page now added under "Meet The Brummels"

New poll for this month.

Be sure to join one of the two brummels clubs on the net.

August 2001

Baypop 2001 has arrived. The Brummels performed last year at this event, however will not be performing this year.  If you would like to find out more about the line up this year then visit

July 2001

More photos added to the Galleries.

The monthly poll seems to come and go, I am working on fixing this problem.

June 2001

"Meet Ron Elliott" page now up. 

Photos added to "Day's Gone By"..check for Fan photos coming soon!

Check out the a Brummels magazine story from 1975. Also, under the "days gone by".


May 2001

Updated the "Brummels Questions".

Some of the other pages have also had small updates. Such as the Timeline and Meet Declan.

April 2001

Added new guestbook and archived the old Guestbook.

I have taken down a few pages such as: Special Events, Day's Gone By (now is Photographs/Interviews) Updated the Main page, Links, Music Pages,Timeline. The site should be a little bit easier to get around. Please, let me know what you think, or any ideas you think that would make the site better :).

The First stages of the new look is added!!

It's spring and I have done a little Spring Cleaning of this site!! I have added all the old news to this page!!! and I have also updated the "Brummels Music" Page. This year the site will be on-line for Two years.

I am still looking for old magazine articles and interviews with the Brummels for a page I would like to put together.

March 2001

Meet the Band pages are up at last!! Sal and Declan are the first two to be presented. I am still  collecting information on the Members. 

Did anyone get to see Sal perform last month? Let me know if you did. 

February 2001

I have updated the Timeline, and added photos from the BillBoard magazine, that promoted the brummels in the 60's.

Work is still being done on "Meet the band" pages. 

Sal to perform this month..., I will keep everyone posted as to when.

Award's page started!! take a look at award's the site has won :-).

January 2001

I have changed the news page around. It should be easier to access the recent news and look back on older news. If you have any comments let me know. Take a look back at 2000 Brummels news.

Sal is scheduled to perform on February the 10th. I will be posting more details soon.

I have updated the Timeline and I will be adding more history about the Brummels this year.

I also have been working on the Meet The Band Pages. 

Add to this site by designing brummels wallpapers for The fans computers or if you would like to design other stuff.., Just let me know

December 2000

I have just added a update on the "Meet The Band" page. I am asking for everyone's help in these pages, so I can complete them and post them. If you would like to help just take a trip over to the page to see how you can help.

This month is the last month you will be reading the Brummels news from this page!! In January I will be launching a brand new News page. The 2000 news pages will be archived, for you to look back at. 

November 2000

The first Brummels report is now UP on the MB.

I am very sorry about missing the Chat.

I will be archiving the site's 2000 pages over the next two months!!!

The Brummels Report will have it's first entry in a few days. On The MB.

October 2000

 Check out the Brummels Report on the MB. Each month I will write the Report, and answer all your questions that I can and that you post on the board. So start posting. (you do not have to sign up to post you can login as a Guest user.)

Regarding Sal performing again! I have just heard that it is true. But do not have a date yet!

New!! Page FAQ that I have been asked!! Titled Brummels Questions.

I have heard that Sal Valentino will be performing again in Newcastle on Feb 10. 2001.  However, I have not had this date confirmed yet. And don't know if it's correct.  If anyone had the chance to see Sal perform Oct.7, Let the site know under Special Events.

I have re-designed the front page of the site around a bit! Let me know what you think.

Sal will be performing a concert in Newcastle, CA at Constable Jack's at 9 P.M.  Oct 7. This Sat. Look for this event under "Special Events", also you are welcome to add your thoughts about this show there if you attend. 

I am still working on Meet the band pages! I am very sorry to all the people who are waiting for these pages to appear. I am still in the process of collecting info on each brummel! 

I have added a link to the real bradleys barn page. You can find this under the page for the album.

September 2000

I have started a new website for the 60's band "Yellow Balloon".  Hope everyone can stop by and take a look at it.

Beau is now also selling a poster, designed by "Ron Elliott". All the fans out there that like to collect brummels stuff, might want to check this out.

"Cry Just A Little" will be released Sept. 26, you can find this album at Also, they are selling the LIVE cd! too. is now on-line! the site is selling a LIVE cd recorded in the 70's.  The site also offers some info on the band's past recordings. 

There will be a Live Chat Nov. 4, The chat will take place on the message board! (I will be chatting with who ever would like to chat that evening.)

I am asking all the fans of the Beau Brummels to give a listen to another "Lost" 60's group: "Yellow Balloon" .  You can find their album at the bottom of this page.  They are really good, but also like the brummels didn't have a website about them "Yellow Balloon" also does not have a page all about them! Also, fans of the Tv show "My Three Sons" will take notice that "Don Grady" was a part of this group. (I hope all will enjoy this awesome band).

 August 2000

More music on Aug 22nd.  Beau Brummels LIVE will be released, also sometime this month the release of will come on-line! This is where you will be able to by the cd. I will post more details soon!

New release coming soon! Sep 26, "Cry Just A Little" Album will be released.  You can order your copy now by clicking onto the link above.  I do not know what songs are on this album yet.

 I have created a internet radio station through, you can listen to the Beau Brummels on my station. Find the station on the Brummels music page and on the frontpage of this site!

 Brummels poll added to main page! New too, lyrics menu added to music page!

The Brummels performed at Baypop! See the recent photo of them and read the review at

There is a new page on the site, called Special Events, here you can add your comments about brummels shows that you have been to.  Also see if a new event is coming up!

I have started a e-group for the Brummels at there you can chat with other fans and add your comments about the band.  

 I have taken down some of the lyrics as I believe I did not have the words correct. The main songs have stayed up like "Laugh,Laugh" and more, as I knew I had the proper lyrics for those songs. If anyone has any lyrics for songs not posted let me know if you would be willing to share them for the site. (Please check the brummels music page to see which songs I do not have. Before e-mailing me.) 

 July 2000

  Three of the original 'Brummels' will be performing at The "Cafe Du Nord", Sal Valentino, Ron Meagher, John Peterson. will be the line-up. I have also been told that Ron Elliott created a nice poster for the event, as due to health problems can't be there.  Tickets can be purchased at the Cafe Du Nord, and on, you may also want to take a look at the "BayPop" website!    And go support those fabulous Beau Brummels!

 I have started a Yahoo club! for the brummels, This is the place where you can chat with other fans and maybe even I will pop in once in a while.  You can share photos and stories and more, here is the url for the page  (however I still ask that all post messages on this sites message board if you want a question answered.)

At the website "BayPop" it says that the Beau Beau brummels will be performing August the 2nd. in the San Francisco area. You may want to check the Baypop site for more news. (Also read my comment posted on the message Board.)

Echoes of the sixties book is available to buy below. Also a link to the books Official site which includes photographs of the Beau Brummels.

June 2000

On meet the band page. I have added a link to some of Ron Elliotts art work. From the "Best Of San Francisco" site.

Village of the giants has been re-released! The beau brummels have a part in the movie singing two songs! You can buy the movie below by clicking onto the cover and you can view a page for the movie at BriansDriveintheater.

A message board has been started! feel free to sign up and post as often as you like.

To all the people who would like to find some of the non-available albums by the Beau Brummels. I suggest you try looking at e-bay or yahoo! auctions even has a auction.

                             [message board posts] [past updates] [past news] [ latest news]

                                                      ©1999-2005 Cass- The Fabulous Beau Brummels Site.